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A little bit about me

My name is Ann-May Horne, and I am a part-time Midwife, and a part-time wedding celebrant. I LOVE love, and getting to know couples on the maternity ward has been one of my favourite things to do since starting my career in midwifery, so naturally, I wanted to explore that a little more and became a celebrant!


I'm very passionate about both of my jobs; they each allow me to share in an intense amount of joy, which will never get old! Both involve getting to know couples in a short amount of time, then celebrating an incredible milestone with them. It's an absolute honour to do what I do, and I count my lucky stars every day for the privilege.


When I have a bit of downtime, you'll find me cooking or baking, gardening, catching up with family/friends, playing the piano or exploring Tasmania.


I'm really looking forward to getting to know you and can't wait to deliver a knock-your-socks-off ceremony, and who knows! I might be your midwife one day too!

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